
Qi Liangshu

Department of Economics    Associate Professor



Office:LiHua Building B603

Office Hours:Wed 10:00-12:00

Educational Background

1999.7 Ph.D. in Economics, Peking University

1996.7 Master in Economics, Peking University

1993.7 Bachelor in Management, Nankai University


Work Experience

2007.4-2008.1 Visiting professor, Venice International University, Italy.

2006.12-present Associate Professor, Department of Economics, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.

2004.1-2004.6 Visiting Scholar, Asia Research Center, London School of Economic and Social Science, UK.

1999.8-2006.12 Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.



Marxist Political Economy

History of Economic Thought

Development Economics


Research Areas

Health Economics

Gender Economics

Labour Economics



• Journal Articles

Qi, Liangshu,2022.“On Value Theories in Economics”,China Review of Political Economy,Vol. 13, Iss. 1,pp. 141-159. (in Chinese)

Jing Liu, Liangshu Qi & Yanyan Xiong,2022. “Non-Parental Childcare Services and Time Allocation of Mothers with Young Children in China”, Feminist Economics, DOI: 10.1080/13545701.2021.2006736

Chapters (chapter 1 and chapter 7) in: United Nations, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (2021) Harnessing time-use data for evidence-based policy, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Beijing Platform for Action: A resource for data analysis. ST/ESCAP/2949.

Liu Lan, Qi Liangshu, 2020. " Research on Household Intergenerational Support and its Determinants in Urban China", Northwest Population Journal, Vol.41, Iss. 04, pp. 1-14.

Qi, Liangshu and Liu, Lan, 2019. “Working Hours and Its Hukou gap in China’s Labor Market”,Economists, 2019(11), pp. 45-54. (in Chinese).

Qi, Liangshu and Xiao-yuan Dong, 2018. “Gender, Low-Paid Status, and Time Poverty in Urban China”, Feminist Economics, Vol.24, Iss.2, pp. 171-193.

Liu Lan, Qi Liangshu, Wang Benxi, Li Jiayi, Chengong, 2017. “The Participation of Beijing Older people in Household Production: A Study Based on the Conceptual Model of Productive Aging”, South China Population, Vol. 32, Iss. 5, pp 58-67.  (in Chinese).

Qi, Liangshu, Li, Haojie and Liu, Lan, 2017. “A note on Chinese couples’ time synchronization”, Review of Economics of the Household, Vol. 15, Iss. 1, 1249-1262.

Liu Lan, Qi Liangshu, Dong Xiao-yuan, 2016. “Family Caregiving and Labor Supply of Men and Women in Urban China”,World Economic Papers, 2016(1), pp 21-35. (in Chinese)

Liu Lan, Qi Liangshu, Chen Gong. 2015. “A Study on the Relationship between Living Arrangements and Adult Children’s Support for Parents”, Chinese Journal of Gerontology, Vol. 35, Iss. 3, pp. 3715-3717. (in Chinese)

Qi, Liangshu and Xiao-yuan Dong, 2016. “Unpaid Care Work’s Interference with Paid Work and the Gender Earnings Gap in China”, Feminist Economics, vol. 22, Iss 2, 143-167.

Zhang Linjun, Li Mingzhi, Qi Liangshu, 2014. “An Economic Critique of Separating Drug Prescription and Dispensing: Theory and Practice”, Review of Industrial Economics, Vol.13, No.3, pp. 65-78. (in Chinese)

Liu Lan, Qi Liangshu, Chen Gong,2014. “Social Pension Insurance and Older People Not Co-residing with their Children: Evidence from Beijing”, Population and Development, 2014(1): 90-98. (in Chinese)

Qi Liangshu, An Xinli, Dong Xiaoyuan, 2012. “Paid Work in China: A Study Based on Time-Use Statistics”, Statistical Research, Vol. 29,Issue (4):72-80. (in Chinese)

Qi Liangshu, 2012. “A Review on Time Use Study”, Economic Perspectives, Iss.2, 2012: 116-121. (in Chinese)

Qi Liangshu, Zhao Junchao, 2012. “Nutrition Intervention and Human Capital Development of Boarding School Students in Poverty-Stricken Areas”, Management World, Iss. 2, 2012: 52-61. (in Chinese)

Qi Liangshu, Li Zinai, “The Income-related Mobility of Health and Health Care Utilization: A Study Based on Micro Panel Data from China”, Economic Research Journal, No. 11 (2011), pp. 83-95.

Qi Liangshu, 2011. “A Study on the Anti-poverty, Income Increasing and Re-distributional Effects of New Cooperative Medical System”, Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics, Vol. 28, No. 8, pp. 35-52. (in Chinese)

Qi Liangshu, Xu Shaoying, 2011. “Health Disparity between Different Socioeconomic Groups in Chinese Rural residents”, Chinese Journal of Health Policy, Vol. 4, No. 5, pp. 34-40. (in Chinese)

Qi Liangshu, Wang Chengwei, 2011. “Health Gradient and Urban-Rural Difference: An Empirical Analysis Based on Micro- Data form 9 Provinces of China”, Chinese Health Economics, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 11-13. (in Chinese)

Li Zinai, Qi Liangshu, 2010. “The Strength and Disadvantage of Econometric Models”, Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics, Vol. 27, No. 9, pp. 133-146. (in Chinese)

Qi Liangshu, Wang Chengwei, 2010. “Health and Socioeconomic Status: A Research Based on Multiple Indicators”, Chinese Health Economics, Vol. 29, No. 8, pp. 47-50. (in Chinese)

Li Zinai, Qi Liangshu, 2010. “Reflections on Econometric Modeling Methodology”, Social Sciences in China, No. 2 (2010), 69-83. (in Chinese)

Han Li, Qi Liangshu, 2009. “An Empirical Analysis on the Influence of RMB Real Effective Exchange Rate on Beijing’s General Trade”, Times Finance, Second half of November (2009), pp. 30-32. (in Chinese)

Qi Liangshu, Li Zinai, 2009. “Rural Mutual fund Policy Research ---- An Analysis Based on Maximization members benefits model", Rural Economy, NO.10, pp. 55-60, 2009 (in Chinese)

Han Li, Qi Liangshu, 2009. “An Empirical Analysis on the Impact of Real Effective Exchange Rate and FDI Inflows on Beijing’s Processing Trade Surplus”, Review of Economic Research, No.64 (2009), pp. 25-30. (in Chinese)

Qi Liangshu, 2008. “Income Distribution, Healthcare Resources and Population Health: A Cross-country Study”, South China Journal of Economics, No. 4 (2008), pp. 27-41. (in Chinese)

Qi Liangshu, 2008. “A Review on Marriage Economics”, Economic Perspectives, No.9 (2008), pp. 85-89. (in Chinese)

Qi Liangshu, 2008. “The Inter Relationship between Economic Growth, Environment and Population Health: An Empirical Analysis Based on China’s Provincial Panel Data”, China Population Resources and Environment, No. 6 (2008), pp. 169-173. (in Chinese)

Qi Liangshu, Yu Qiumei, “A Review on Researches of the Relationship between Socioeconomic Status and Health”, Economists, No.2 (2008), pp. 108-115. (in Chinese)

Qi Liangshu, 2007. “The Relationship between Growth, Total Investment and Inward FDI: Evidence from Time Series Data”, International Review of Applied Economics, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp.119-134.

Qi Liangshu, 2006. “Income, Income Inequality and Health: the Impact of Rural-Urban Disparity and Occupational Status”, Economic Research Journal, No. 11 (2006), pp. 16-26. (in Chinese)

Qi Liangshu, 2006. “Altruistic Behavior and Its Economic Implications: A Discussion with Ye Hang, et. al.” Economic Review, No. 3 (2006), pp. 41-48. (in Chinese)

Qi Liangshu, 2006. “Altruism and Economics”, Economic Perspectives, No. 3 (2006), pp. 26-31. (in Chinese)

Qi Liangshu, 2006. “Openness and Growth: An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Export, FDI Inflow and Economic Growth in China”, Research on Financial and Economic Issues, No. 1 (2006), pp. 9-13. (in Chinese)

Qi Liangshu, 2005. “The Impact of Changes in Bargaining Power On Housework Time Allocation: Evidence from Chinese Double-Income Households”, Economic Research Journal, No. 9 (2005), pp. 78-90. (in Chinese)

Qi Liangshu, 2005. “The Impact of Wage and Labor Reform of State: Owned Sector on Returns to Schooling in Urban China”, Education and Economy, No. 4 (2005), pp. 19-25. (in Chinese)

• Books

Development Economics, 2002, Beijing: China Development Press.

Development Economics, 2007, Beijing: Higher Education Press.

Book chapter: “Gender Differences in Intra-household Resource Allocation”, in Zhang, Liqin, Du, Fenglian, Dong, Xiaoyuan (ed.): Gender and Development: Empirical Research Methods, 2012, Beijing: China Social Sciences Press.


Other Information

Research Projects/Grants

1. Person-in-charge, “Studies on Unpaid Work, leisure Time and the Well-being of Chinese Residents”, 01/2016-12/2019, National Natural Science Foundation of China.

2. Main participant, “Intergenerational Support between the Elderly and Their Adult Children in Chinese Cities”, 09/2014-12/2016, National Social Science Foundation of China.

3. Person-in-charge, “Unpaid Work in China: Its Economic Value, Measurement Method, and Relevant Policies”, 01/2012-12//2015, National Natural Science Foundation of China.

4. Main participant, “A Research on the Pattern and Reform Program of Income Distribution in China”, 11/2010-12/2013, National Social Science Foundation of China.

5. Main participant, “Policy Design for Climate Change and Analyses on Its Influences on Economy, Environment, and Society”, 07/2010-12/2012,  Ministry of Education of China.

6. Person-in-charge, “Research on the Relationship between Health Equity and Socioeconomic Status among Chinese Residents”, 01/2010-12/2012], National Natural Science Foundation of China.

7. Main participant, “A Study on the Methodological Basis of Econometrics”, 07/2008-12/2010, National Social Science Foundation of China.

8. Person-in-charge, “Suggestions of Promoting Small Sum Loans in Rural Areas of China”, 04/2006-04/2009, funded by HSBC.

9. Main participant, “Research on the Reform of the Public-Service Sector in Dingzhou City”, 02/2006-08/2006, Funded by the World Bank.

10. Main participant, “A Policy Research on the Development of China’s Service Industry”, 06/2005-06/2006, Funded by the National Development and Reform Committee of China.

11. Main participant, “An Economic Growth Theory on General Commodity Space”, 01/2001-12//2002, National Natural Science Foundation of China.

12. Main participant, “A Study on Policies for Development of China’s Inland Area”, 10/1999-10/2003, Funded by JETRO (Project of China-Japan Collaborative 3E (Energy, Environment and Economy Research Program).

13. Person in charge, “A Comparative Study on Policies for Development of Backward Areas”, 12/2000-12/2001, Funded by 小林实 China-Economic-Research Foundation.
