Journal Articles
Zhu, R., Yi, C.*, Li, T. "Augmented Reality at Work: Attention Management and Its Impact on Work Performance", MIS Quarterly, forthcoming
Zou, W., Li, M.*, Yi, C.*, Wang, J. "Digital Resilience to Covid-19: Evidence from the Medical Aesthetics Industry", Production and Operations Management, forthcoming
Li, T.*, Liu, D., Xu, X., Yi, C.* “Interleaved Design for E-learning: Theory, Design, and Empirical Findings”, MIS Quarterly, forthcoming
Luo, C., Jiang, Z.*, Li, X., Yi, C.*, Tucker, C. "Choosing to Discover the Unknown: The Effects of Choice on User Attention to Online Video Advertising", Management Science, forthcoming
Zhang, J., Yi, C.*, Zhang, J. “Engaging Learners in Online Learning Without External Incentives: Evidence from a Field Experiment,” Information Systems Journal, forthcoming
Zhu, R. and Yi, C.* “Avatar Design in Metaverse: The Effect of Avatar-user Similarity in Procedural and Creative Tasks,” Internet Research, forthcoming
Yi, C., Jiang, Z., and Zhou, M. (2023) “Investigating the Effects of Product Popularity and Time Restriction: The Moderating Role of Consumers' Goal Specificity”, Production and Operations Management, 32 (9), 2723-2739
Yi, C., Zhu, R., and Wang, Q. (2022) “Exploring the Interplay Between Question-answering Systems and Communication with Instructors in Facilitating Learning”, Internet Research, 32 (7), 32-55
Yi, C., Jiang, Z., Li, X., and Lu, X. (2019) “Leveraging User-Generated Content for Product Promotion: the Effects of Firm-highlighted Reviews”, Information Systems Research, 30 (3), 711-725
Yi, C., Jiang, Z., and Benbasat, I. (2017) “Designing for Diagnosticity and Serendipity: An Investigation of Social Product-Search Mechanisms”, Information Systems Research, 28 (2), 413-429
Song, T., Yi, C., and Huang, J., (2017) “Whose Recommendations Do You Follow? An Investigation of Tie Strength, Shopping Stage, and Deal Scarcity”, Information & Management, 54 (8), 1072-1083
Tan, B., Yi, C.*, and Chan, H.C. (2015) “Deliberation without Attention: The Latent Benefits of Distracting Website Features for Online Purchase Decisions,” Information Systems Research, 26 (2), 437-455
Yi, C., Jiang, Z., and Benbasat, I. (2015) “Enticing and Engaging Consumers via Online Product Presentations: The Effects of Restricted Interaction Design,” Journal of Management Information Systems, 31 (4), 213-242
Chen, J., Hao, S., Yi, C. (2023) “Digital Transformation, Bankruptcy Risk and Enterprise Resilience”, Business and Management Journal, 8, 26-44 (in Chinese)
Li, M., Yi, C.* (2023) “Human-chatbot Interaction vs. Human-human Interaction: Effects of Service Agent Perception and Two-sided Arguments in Conversational Commerce,” Journal of Information Resources Management, 13(3),140-153 (in Chinese)
Chen, G., Ren, M., Wei, Q., Guo, X., Yi, C. (2022) “Data-Intelligence Empowerment: A New Leap of Information Systems Research,” Journal of Management World, 38 (1), 180-195 (in Chinese)
Yi, C., Ge, C., and Li, Q. (2021)“Investigating the Relationship between Online Multimedia Product Information and Product Return Behavior”, China Journal of Information systems, 24, 50-61 (In Chinese)
Yi, C., Zhou, M., (2017) "How User Control Affects the Effectiveness of Video Advertising?", Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2, 119-126 (In Chinese)
He, X., Hu, S., Yi, C., and Liu, X. (2015)“The Effects of Platform Service and Logistics Service on Online Store Owners' Confidence,” Chinese Journal of Management Science,6,83-90 (In Chinese)