

Department of Marketing    Associate Professor

Phone:(86) (10) 62795839


Office:B401 Lihua Building

Office Hours:By Appointment

Educational Background

Dr. Liang Huang received her bachelor's degree in Business Administration from Tsinghua University in 2015, and Ph.D in Marketing from University of Arizona in 2021.


Research Areas

Her research interests include Judgment and Decision Making, Innovations in Financial Services, Financial Decision Making, Payment Methods, and Mental Accounting.



1. Huang, Liang, and Jennifer Savary (2023), "When Payments Go Social: The Use of Person-to-Person Payment Methods Attenuates the Endowment Effect", Journal of Marketing Research, 60 (3), 585-601.

2. Huang, Liang, Rafay A. Siddiqui, and Anastasiya P. Ghosh (2023), "More of the Same: Painful Payment Methods Decrease Variety Seeking", Marketing Letters, Oct (6), 1-13.

3. Guo, Xunhua, Yuejun Wang, Liang Huang, and Jichen Li (2022), "Assimilation and Contrast: The Two-sided Anchoring Effects of Recommender Systems", Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 31 (4), 395-413.

4. Huang, Liang, Anastasiya P. Ghosh, Ruoou Li, and Elise Ince (2020), "Pay Me with Venmo: Effect of Service Providers Decisions to Adopt P2P Payment Methods on Consumer Evaluations", Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 5(3), 271- 281.

5. Wang, Wenru, Rong Chen, Liang Huang(2024), "How the Presence of Acquaintances Influences Consumer Satisfaction with Preferential Treatment", Nankai Business Review (Chinese journal), 27(4).



Lincoln Financial Best Paper Award, 2021

Consumer Financial Well-Being (CFWB) Emerging Scholar Award, 2021

AMA-Sheth Doctoral Consortium Fellow, 2020

Lisle & Roslyn Payne Outstanding Doctoral Student Award, 2020

Philip and Susan Hagenah Award for Excellence in Marketing, 2020

Best Session Paper Award, China Marketing International Conference, 2019

Best Student Poster Award, Honorable Mention, Society for Judgement and Decision Making, 2018


Other Information

Media Coverage

FinTech and Finance News: "Why Budgeting Apps Lead to Overspending". https://ffnews.com/newsarticle/why-budgeting-apps-lead-to-overspending/

Think Forward Initiative: "Dynamic Budget Monitoring: When Access to Budget Feedback Leads to Increase in Spending". https://www.thinkforwardinitiative.com/research/budget-apps-might-they-actually-make-you-spend-more
