
WU Zhiming

Department of Leadership and Organization Management    Associate Professor

Phone: (86) (10) 62772542


Office:LiHua Building B250

Office Hours:Mon. 14:00-18:00

Educational Background

1996-1999 Ph.D. in Psychology, Beijing Normal University

1993-1996 M.S. in Psychology, Beijing Normal University

1985-1989 B.S. in Psychology, Hangzhou University


Work Experience

12/2005-present  Associate Professor, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, China

8/2008-8/2009    Visiting scholar, DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University, Canada

8/2006-12/2006   International Faculty Fellow, Sloan School of Management, MIT, USA

8/1999-11/2005   Assistant Professor, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, China



Organizational Behavior, Leadership Development for Entrepreneurs, Human Resource Management


Research Areas

Organization and human resource management, leadership, cross-cultural management,employee psychology and behavior in the era of digital intelligence, 

employee recruitment and selection.



Refereed Journal Publications (International)

  1. Dust, S., Wang. P., Rode, J., Wu, Z., & Wu, X. (2021).  The effect of leader and follower extraversion on leader-member exchange: An interpersonal perspective incorporating power distance orientation. The Journal of Social Psychology, 161 (6):714-730, DOI: 10.1080/00224545.2020.1848774

  2. Chen, G., Farh, J.L., Campbell-Bush, E.M., Wu, Z., & Wu, X. 2013.  Teams as innovative systems: Multilevel motivational antecedents of innovation in R&D teams. Journal of Applied Psychology, 98(6): 1018-1027.

Selected Conference Presentations (International)

  1. Wu, X., & Wu, Z. Team reflexivity and team innovation in new product development teams: the effects of voice behavior, transformational leadership and proactive personality. Paper presented at the 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology, July 8-13, 2014, Paris, France.

  2. Wu, Z., & Wu, X. The gap between pre-employment and post-employment psychological contract and its correlates. Paper presented at the 30th International Congress of Psychology, July 22-27, 2012, Cape Town, South Africa

  3. Wu, X., Wu, Z., Wu, Y., & Li, R. The influence of regulatory focus of supervisors and subordinates on LXM and the performance of the subordinates. Paper presented at the 27th International Congress of Applied Psychology, July 11-16, 2010, Melbourne, Australia.

  4. Wu, Z., & Wu, X. Work environment characteristics and its motivating effect: A preliminary study in knowledge workers. Paper presented at the XXIX International Congress of Psychology, July 20-25, 2008, Berlin, Germany.
