

Accounting    Research Fellow

Phone:(86)(10) 62797198


Office:212 Weilun Building

Educational Background

1998-2001 Ph.D., Accounting, Tsinghua University , Beijing,China

1988-1991 Master, Automation, Southeast University , Nanjing, China

1984-1988 Bachelor, Automation, Southeast University , Nanjing, China


Work Experience

2006-present Full Professor, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

2004-2006 Mayor Assistant, Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China

2002-2004 Full Professor, Director, Institute of Hebei-Tsinghua Development, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

1996-2002 Associate Professor, Vice Director, Institute of Science & Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

1994-1996 Associate Professor, Department of Science and Technology, State Planning Committee, Beijing, China

1991-1994 Lecturer, Associate Professor, Energy Research Institute, Southeast University, Nanjing, China



Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Corporate Strategy, Cost Accounting


Research Areas

Accounting, Public Policy, Research Policy



Journal Articles

Zhou L., “the Highway Fees should not be Bottomless Pit”, People’s Daily (Overseas Edition), 10/8/2007.

Zhou L., “to Value the Financial Risk of the Governmental Budget”,China Economic Herald, 31/7/2007 (in Chinese)

Zhou L., “Why Depollution can not Catch up with Pollution ? ”, People’s Daily (Overseas Edition), 5/7/2007.

Zhou L., “Why the government build the expensive office building and couldn’t be stopped. ”, People’s Daily (Overseas Edition), 19/6/2007

Zhou L., “Reform the public investment while taking advantage of  the Olympic Games”, People’s Daily (Overseas Edition), 16/5/2007

Li Y.B., Zhou L. & He J.K, “Strategic Effect of International Technology Transfer by research Universities in the Course of Building An Innovative Country”. China Soft Science, Vol.196, No.4, pp. 134-139, 2007 (in Chinese).

Zhou L., “How the government to house more for the poor ”, People’s Daily (Overseas Edition), 4/4/2007.

Meng H., Zhou L., He J.K., “The co-integration analysis on NSFI input and S&T paper's output”, Studies in Science of Science, pp. 1147-1150, 2007

He J.K., Meng H., Zhou L., Wu Y.M., LI Y.B., “the Creative capability Transfer of the research-oriented  Universities and its Effect”, Education  Research, Vol.18, No.10, pp15-22, 2007

Zhou L., “How should the price hearing be held ? ”, People’s Daily (Overseas Edition), 27/2/2007.

WU Y.M., ZHOU L., LV C.Y., “Spatially non-stationary model and its application in industry-university alliance R&D innovation”, Systems Engineering-Theory & Practice, Vol.30, No.6,pp.1010-1015,2010 (in Chinese)

HE J.K., WU Y.M., ZHOU L., “A positive study on contribution of university technology transfer to regional economic growth of the capital region”, Studies in Science of Science, Vol.25, No.5,pp.871-876,2007 (in Chinese)

MENG Hao, ZHOU Li, HE Jiankun, “On public choice from technology transfer to innovative competence transfer of research university”, Studies in Science of Science, VOL 25, No.5, pp. 978-985, 2007 (in Chinese)


Wu Yuming, Li Jianxia, Zhou Li. “The Effect of Internet on Service Industy Growth and Its Spillovers: Spatial Econometrics Evidence, Management Track within IEEE WiCOM: Engineering, Service and Knowledge Management (EMS2008),The 4th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing (WiCOM 2008), EI Compendex

He J.K & Zhou L. & Zhang J.H. & Meng H. & Li Y.B. &  Wu Y.M. & Chen A.G. & Lv C.Y., “Technology transfer at Research University----Model Research and Positive Analysis”, Tsinghua University Press, pp.1-230,2007,2. (in Chinese)

He J.K & Zhou L. & Zhang J.H. & Lv C.Y. “the Creative capability Transfer of the research-oriented  Universities and its Effect”, Tsinghua University Press ,2007

Conference Papers/Presentations

LI Ying-bo, Zhou Li, He Jian-Kun, “Strategic Effect of International Technology Transfer of a Research University in the Course of Building an Innovative Country”, 4th International Symposium on Soft science innovation Nation: Theory and Practice Proceedings of ISSS , 2007

Li Ying-bo, Zhou Li, "Effect of Governmental Stimulating Intensity on Games of Cooperative Innovation between a University and an Enterprise”, Proceedings of 2006 International Conference on Public Administration, 2007

WANG Y.H., MENG H.,ZHOU L., “The Analysis of self-organization on Regional Innovation Integration”, The 5th International Symposium on Management of Technology (ISMOT'07). 2007(ISTP)

Meng H. &  Zhou L. & He J.K., “the Creative capability Transfer of the research-oriented  Universities and its Effect ”, Forum On Science and Technology In China, No.3., pp.29-33, 2007 (in Chinese)  ..

Li Y.B. &  Zhou L. & He J.K., “the Creative capability Transfer of Chinese Universities from the view of coordination ”, Forum On Science and Technology In China, No.2., pp.21-25, 2007 (in Chinese)  .

WU Yu-Ming,LI Jian-Xia,ZHOU Li. The Effect of Internet on Service Industry Growth and Its Spillovers: Spatial Econometrics Evidence,Management Track within IEEE WiCOM: Engineering, Service and Knowledge Management (EMS2008), The 4th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing (WiCOM 2008).

WU Yu-ming,LI Jian-xia,ZHOU Li. The Effect of Internet on Service Industry Growth and Its Spillovers: Spatial Econometrics Evidence,2008 4th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing (WiCOM), Dalian, China, 12-14 October 2008.

WU Yu-ming,ZHOU Li,LI Jian-xia. Co-integration and causality  between R&D expenditure and economic growth in China: 1953—2004. Proceedings of 2007 International Conference on Public Administration (3rd) (VolumeⅠ). Edited by ZHU Xiao-ning & ZHAO Shu-rong,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Press (UESTC Press),2007, pp. 848-855.
